Jupyter Notebook Demos

Collection of notebooks I created in Jupyter while learning API calls, pandas, and python


HTML Notebook Versions Avalible

AzureMaps Address Enhancement

Expand lon/lat from 2 to 5 decimals and standardize address data

OpenAI Address Parsing

Use Chat-GPT to parse city, state, and zip out of a address string

PDF Text Extraction with AI

Using OpenAI, pdfPlumber, and wand to extract key information from a PDF file

Stream OSHA Fatality Data to Dataframe

Loop through OSHA fatality data write to an array

Visualize Pittsburgh Police Data From WPRDC



Also avalible on my GitHub

Project link: https://github.com/ChrisChris15/JupyterNotebookExamples

Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink